Miaoyu Blog



CISA/FBI/MS-ISAC更新DDoS攻击理解和响应指南v2.0版本 美国网络安全和基础设施安全局(CISA)、联邦调查局(FBI)和多

Talk about Slowloris and slow HTTP attacks

Talk about Slowloris and slow HTTP attacks Slowloris is back? Slowloris, a DDoS attack tool that has been around for at least a decade, has suddenly come back into the picture. Microsoft suffered a DDoS attack in June this year that affected Azure, Outlook, OneDrive and some other businesses. Finally, Microsoft officially disclosed the attack, the details can be referred to: Microsoft Response to Layer 7 Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks | MSRC Blog | Microsoft Security Response Center


聊聊Slowloris与慢速攻击 Slowloris回来了? Slowloris这个DDoS攻击工具的出现,已经至少十多年的历史了,本来已经不怎


今天10.8,十一长假结束了,不知道大家十一过得怎么样? 先说说为什么会突然想写这个主题。 主要原因还是十一长假期间被很多工作的事情搞的焦头烂额


第一篇文章,正好写在2021.9.1,家里有娃的应该都知道这是一个什么日子。 我家娃刚好幼儿园小班入学,这在家里也算是一个不小的事情。 第一次感